Gong Ting (Palace) Puerh Tea #1
Shu Puerh, or cooked Puerh, there is a special category called Gong Ting Puerh, Gong Ting means “Emperor’s Court”, so this is the Puerh worthy to be served in the emperor’s court, gong ting tea is made from golden tips or buds of Yunnan tea. Gongting (Palace Puer) tea comes from Jinggu county, the growing area is over 2000 meters above sea level. Gong Ting puerh tea is a full fermented ripe tea, stunning red liquor, good clarity, sweet, silky, woody forest taste, the aroma is distinct with an earthy undertone, the taste is smooth with a prominent initial flavor and the aftertaste is slightly sweet which lingers.
Puerh tea | Yunnan | After fermentation | Spring, Summer and Autumn
Changsha Goodtea Co.,LTD.

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