Sheng Puerh Tea #2
All Puerh tea comes from Yunnan Province, a remarkable place in the Southwest of China. Puerh tea is picked, withered (to oxidize and dehydrate the tea), fried (to kill green enzymes that make tea bitter and to arrest oxidation), rolled (to break down the cells and expose the inner essence of the tea), and finally sun-dried. If the tea is then left to ferment naturally, in conjunction with the endless microbes in it, we call it "sheng" or "raw" Puerh. If the tea is then piled and sprayed with water, covered with thermal blankets and turned, in order to artificially ferment it, we call it "shou" or "ripe" Puerh.cous taste and enveloping a pleasant aftertaste.
Puerh tea | Yunnan | After fermentation | Spring, Summer and Autumn
Changsha Goodtea Co.,LTD.

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