Tai Ping Hou Kui #1
Tai Ping Hou Kui tea is grown at the foot of HuangShan in the former TaiPing Prefecture, Anhui. It has been grown since the Ming Dynasty and was harvested for emperors during the Qing Dynasty. The tea has been produced commercially since the beginning of the 20th century and is produced around the small village of Hou Keng. It won the ''King of Tea'' award at China Tea Exhibition 2004 and is sometimes listed as a China famous tea. It is renowed for its ''two knives and one pole'' : two straight leaves clasping the enormous bud with white haris. The oven-made leaves are deep green in color with red veins underneath. The tea shoots can be as long as 15 centimentres (5.9 inch). They are plucked from the Shi Da Cha, a large-leaf variety found only in Anhui Province.
Green tea | Jiangsu | Non fermentation | Spring, Summer and Autumn
Changsha Goodtea Co.,LTD.

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