Keemun Black Tea Grade 3
Keemun is a famous Chinese black tea, first produced in the late 19th century, it quickly became popular in the West and is still used for a number of classic blends. It is a light tea with characteristic stone fruit and slightly smoky notes in the aroma and a gentle, malty, non-astringent taste reminiscent of unsweetened cocoa. Some of Keemun’s characteristic floral notes can be attributed to a higher proportion of geraniol, compared to other black teas. Among the many varieties of Keemun perhaps the most well-known is Keemun Mao Feng, harvested earlier than others, and containing leafsets of two leaves and a bud, it is lighter and sweeter than other Keemun teas.
Black tea | Anhui | Complete fermentation | Spring and Summer
Changsha Goodtea Co.,LTD.

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