Jiu Qu Hong Mei
JiuQu HongMei is so-called because of the ‘red plum’/’Hong Mei’ color of the brew that it produces, it’s fully translated to ‘Nine Winding Red Plum’, and is a fine tea that rivals other high-quality teas since it is picked by the ‘two leaves and a bud’ principle, this results in a brew that is warm & pleasing to the stomach. The liquor is a lovely red and the taste and aroma of the tea reminds one of the plum fruit, there is also a thick honey and appl taste with little or astringency at all, the aroma is strong and heady with a pleasant character. The taste have a slightly floral note, malty with a rich sweetness.
Black tea | Fujian | Complete fermentation | Spring and Summer
Changsha Goodtea Co.,LTD.

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