Black CTC #4
CTC means the tea has been processed in a ‘’cut, tear, and curl’’ machine, tea leaves are shoved in the top, totally destroyed and then reformed into pellets, these pellets turn brown (oxidize) very quickly, this makes for the super-brisk tea. The smaller sized grains in the CTC tea offer a larger combined surface area compared to the orthodox, this allows the CTC tea to brew quicker, thus we can get a full bodied stronger cup more quickly from the CTC tea than the orthodox, this is the reason why most tea bags are made with dust grade CTC tea. There are other spicy tea blends made with CTC tea like ginger tea, cardamom tea etc., usually, these teas are consumed with sugar and milk.
Black tea | Yunnan | Complete fermentation | Spring and Summer
Changsha Goodtea Co.,LTD.

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